Serviços e Informações do Brasil Apps

ANS - Móvel 1.06
The application will provide information on coverage, reset anddata carriers.
ENEM 4.2.1
National High School Exam - Enem
Normas 2.0.4
Query allows the legal acts published by the IRS.
Desenvolve Brasil 2.0.3
DesenvolveBR enables to monitor the infrastructure projects in thecountry.
IFG Mobile 22.1
This application brings together a range of information on the IFG.
SST Fácil 1.2.9
Education application on Safety and Health at Work
VLibras 4.0.3
The VLibras is a Portuguese translation App to BSL (Brazilian SignLanguage)
Carona Solidária Fiocruz 1.5.2
ride application to employees of Fiocruz
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics application - IBGE.
SISS-Geo 3.0.5 (Tatu)
Information on Wild Health System - Fiocruz / LNCC
IsF Aluno 4.6.0
Follow your subscription at ISF using your smartphone or tablet.
Sucupira - Pró-Reitor 2.0.1
Application returned to Pro-Rectors of Higher EducationInstitutions in Brazil.
Caixa Postal UFS 5.2.4
Application to receive notifications and read messages from GIS UFSmailbox.
Radares da Amazônia - SIPAM 1.0.4
Access to Amazon Radars - An Official CENSIPAM Application
LRPC 2.3
Legislation of the Complementary Pension Scheme
GGT 1.3.8
Application to collect photographs and other field information.
UFRGS Mapas 3.0
The maps application from UFRGS.
Risco e Prevenção de TEV 3.5.0
Application that enables the assessment of risk of VTEthromboembolism.
Coleta de Inventário 1.7.8
Application inventory collection UFRGS - only for servers
UFCSPA 2.2.3
Application for the academic community of UFCSPA.
SINE Fácil 3.4.2
Already registered with SINE? Have SINE Fácil!
Vida e Memória UFV 1.1.0
Gets information about places through QRcodes on boards at UFVcampuses
CNPq 1.24.25
CNPq's new communication tool with researchers
EduCapes 1.0.0
Providing knowledge for various basic, higher and post-secondaryeducation.
Progredir 2.0.11
Autonomy, employment and income: all in the same place!
e-Processo 6.0.2
Consult and monitor processes at the Federal Revenue, CARF and PGFN
JBRJ - Jardim Virtual 1.1.0
Enjoy a walk in the JBRJ without leaving home
Conexão DNIT 4.4
The DNIT Connection is the National Traffic Education Program
Voe Seguro - Consulta de Táxi- 2.0.0
Consult the regularity of the taxi-air company before hiring andSAFE VOE
CAU Cidadão 1.2.2
Application for consultation and evaluation of urban green areas.
Carteira de Trabalho Digital 6.1.1
Official application of the Digital Work Card of the Ministry ofEconomy.
IFS Digital 3.0.0
Facilitate their academic life. Go when you want to: notes,schedules and more.
Onde está o dinheiro da saúde? 1.0.6
Inform the public about the budget of the public health of theirmunicipality
SEI! 3.1.8
Application for easy access to documents of public institutions.
SINE Fácil Empregador 1.0.1
Employer has access to SINE services by phone.
IFSP Conecta 1.0.6
Official App IFSP - Have access to all information in the palm ofyour hand
e-Proinfo 1.1.5
This application allows the student to view institutions, coursesand classes.
Educação Conectada 1.0.4
Connected Education Innovation Program that measures the adoptionof school technology.
Hidroweb 2.0.0
Data on levels, flows of rivers and rainfall collected in theHydrometeorological Network
Atlas - DNIT 1.1.06
Provides for road construction contracts segmented by state.
e-SUS Atividade Coletiva 1.5.08
ESUS AB Collective Activity is a registration app for collectivehealth actions. 1.0.29 is a public service for consumer disputeresolution.
SNCR 1.0.0
SNCR enables the owner of rural property to issue the CCIR.
Ebserh 1.2.3
Use the Ebserh the app on your smartphone to check the news on thenet
Menos Mosquito 1.0.4
Learn to fight the dengue mosquito, zika and chikungunya
Follow the works advancing Brazil and also its direct life of thesmartphone